Coin Cabinet
at Eggenberg Palace Graz | Universalmuseum Joanneum
With highlights from the second largest public collection of coins in Austria, the Coin Cabinet invites you to an impressive voyage of discovery through the centuries.
Opening hours:
23.12.2024 - 25.04.2025: closed
26.04.2025 - 06.07.2025: Tue-Sun, public holidays 10am - 6pm
07.07.2025 - 07.09.2025: daily 10am - 6pm
08.09.2025 - 02.11.2025: Tue-Sun, public holidays 10am - 6pm
Open during normal opening times on the following special days or public holidays: 9th June 2025
- Opening hours & entrance fees in detail
- Adults: € 15.00 | School pupils, apprentices, students between 19 and 26 € 7,00 I Children and teenagers under the age of 19 free I

Money makes the world go round. Coins are far more than just a way of paying for something: they reflect the political, cultural and social zeitgeist. The Coin Cabinet at Eggenberg Palace has extraordinary stories to tell about coins in Styria – from the panther thaler minted in Graz to the Celts’ wuschelkopf types, from the gold coin at Flavia Solva reworked into a piece of jewellery through to a Renaissance medal gem that once belonged to Archduke Karl II of Inner Austria.