- experience
- Manufacturer
Vulcano World of Ham
Look, marvel, feast - this is what's on offer at Vulcano Ursprung, the world of ham in Auersbach near Feldbach. Those who enter here through the huge stainless steel ham will automatically open their eyes, ears and mouth to enjoyment and embark on a journey into a world of the purest taste.
The Vulcano Fleischwarenmanufaktur [meat goods manufacture] in Auersbach near Feldbach is a unique culinary factory. Here amidst the gently rolling Vulkanland of eastern Styria in Austria, the finest products are created to delight your taste buds.
Dive into the world of sweet Vulcano ham "Vulcana" and learn all the secrets of this fine ham: during an adventure tour accompanied by a ham expert, attractions such as the regional menu, the sensory room or the ham heaven provide for unique experiences.