Green Meeting
The Austrian Eco Label for Green Meetings and Green Events
Conference and event organisers are increasingly looking to environmental protection, regional products and social acceptability. Instead of creating piles of rubbish and causing tides of traffic, “Green Meetings” and “Green Events” are characterised by increased energy efficiency, avoidance of waste and environmentally sound arrival and departure of guests. Other central aspects are regional added value and social responsibility. All of this fosters the positive image of an event among the population, guests and sponsors.

Green Events Steiermark
The styrian platform for a sustainable event culture
The Green Events Styria project wants to cover all areas of a sustainable event culture and the project team wants to support all organizers in Styria - whether small festivals or major events, cultural events or conferences and congresses. Everyone is invited to make a contribution to the future development of the province of Styria - because only together we are sustainable and strong.
Eco-city Graz
For many years now, ÖKOPROFIT® Graz has been a successful programme for Graz companies. It promotes active corporate environmental precautions, thereby making an effective contribution to reducing the burden on the environment and to conserving resources. For events taking place in public areas, Graz City Council has produced precise guidelines and also defined ecological criteria. Graz Convention Bureau and the city’s environment department are happy to give you information about environment protection measures relating to your event.